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Letting go of The Stronghold

Article By: Pastor Will Matherly


Many people are sick, (either physically, spiritually or both) because were holding onto things that we need to let go of. 
Past pain, sorrow, regret, un-forgiveness, self un-forgiveness, lack of self worth, and personal condemnation. We are, what we say we are, and we become, what we see ourselves as.

Now hold on, this is not one of those “Self Worth and Self Esteem) sermons .. Its about Strongholds, and the tactics of the enemy. So hang in here, I am going somewhere with this.

All those things, that we haven’t dealt with, are still there, and that’s why they keep popping up. When the devil knows, that there are things on the inside of you that, Stop you in your tracks, make you feel small or insignificant, Ashamed, Angered, Hate, Great Sorrow or Grief, just to mention a few. He knows, that all he has to do, to stop you dead in your tracks, is press one of those Buttons, because there STILL Available to be pushed, and push them he will.

These things, are taking up real estate on the inside of us, Valuable Fertile Ground, that we haven’t fully given to GOD yet. Oh, we might say that we have, But the evidence that we haven’t, is in the fact that satan still has weapons planted there, and those weapons are still available, for his use against us. Basically, the devil has a panic button, and its connected directly to those places and grounds on the inside of us .. Yes, there IS a Spiritual WAR, going on inside of us, recognizing that, is the first step to attacking the strongholds of the devil, and rooting them out by the roots.

These things are planted on our Fertile ground. They are attached, at the root, to the “THINGS” that were holding onto. They give place for Sickness & Disease to attach, take root, and grow.

Remember, One of the Promises of GOD is this,
Exodus 23:25
And ye shall serve the Lord your God, and he shall bless thy bread, and thy water; and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee.
(And that Promise is STILL, Available to us today)

Remember, the Old Testament is a Shadow, of things to Come … JESUS, has come, so the Promises of the Promised Land, are Available to ALL of us now .. 
1. Through Deliverance from Egypt’s Bondage .. The Shadow of  Redemption 
2. Through the Red Sea crossing .. Baptism

We have become Partakers in the Promises of GOD, and came into our own Promised Land, Through and In Christ Jesus.

So when we hang onto the regrets, sorrows, and pain of the past, or hang onto self condemnation, shame, guilt, hate, Part of us, is still Back in Egypt, in the Bondage of Egypt. In essence, we brought Egypt with us, when we left .. Just like some of the Israelites did .. They had left Egypt, but Egypt hadn’t left them.

This is not an option .. it’s a MUST .. We MUST, leave Egypt behind .. No part of Egypt was allowed to enter into the Promised Land. All over 20, who refused to enter and cross over, Leaving the Doubts, Fears, Customs, and Beliefs of Egypt behind, were sent to die in the wilderness.
In the same way, many today are dieing .. Because they have failed to Turn Loose of the Past, and cross over, into the PROMISES of GOD .. GOD Said it, its all in the Bible, we say were living in the fullness of GODS Promises, But were not. Because were still holding onto the Bondages of the past, what ever they might be, and they are the places, that the devil is still planting the seeds of sickness, destruction, and death in.

The devil is STILL, trying to stop GODS people, from receiving and stepping into the Promises of GOD. And he will use ANYTHING, you have brought out with you, against you .. 
The first crossing at the Red Sea, represents the Outer Baptism of the Flesh.
The Second Crossing at the Jordan, represents the Inner Baptism of the Spirit.

You need BOTH, to be IN, the Promised Land.

I leave you with the following Passage, Closely consider the last verse .. As Jesus explains and the Dual Birthing Process, One of Water, the Other of Spirit .. Both, parallel the Dual Crossings, on the Path to the Promised Land.

John 3:3-5
Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.
Nicodemus saith unto him, How can a man be born when he is old? can he enter the second time into his mother's womb, and be born?

Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

Turn Loose of ALL of it .. That stuff you packed out of that Bondage with you, Can Not, enter into the Promises of Almighty GOD with you. Let It GO, Its killing many of you, either Spiritually, Physically, or both. In Jesus Precious Name, Let It GO.

With Much Hope and Love,
Pastor Will