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Depression and Christianity

Article By: Pastor Will Matherly


Sometimes, the struggles of life, can become overbearing to say the least. At times like these, can leave the Christian in a tough place, because Christians, are not suppose to be depressed or down, right ?
REALLY ?, says who ?

I want to remind you of Elijah, he is considered to be the Prophets of Prophets by many, Yet he struggled at times, and was even depressed to the point, that he Simply wanted to die.
Elijah went into the desert, climbed under a Juniper bush, and ask GOD to just take him on .. Enough is Enough, Just Let Me DIE LORD .. Yes, that, was Elijah, thinking that he had failed GOD.

1 Kings 19:4
But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a juniper tree: and he requested for himself that he might die; and said, It is enough; now, O Lord, take away my life; for I am not better than my fathers.

Getting down at times, is not antichristian, its part of being Human .. Elijah was bummed out, But he hadn’t given up on GOD, he had given up, on the mess. BUT GOD, had a Plan.

Notice the next Verses, 5, 6 & 7 .. GOD sent an Angel, who touch him, and told him to get up and eat, the food he had Prepared for him. Twice, this would happen, and he would Rise, and eat .. Because his Journey, was great.
He would travel for 40 days and nights, before he reached his destination, the Mountain of GOD, (Verse 8)

When he arrived, Elijah began telling the LORD about his difficulties, what was on his mind & heart. (Verse 9-10) .. Elijah thought that he was in it Alone, and that, was just more than he could bare.

The Wind Blew, the earth Quaked, the Rocks broke, and the FIRE CAME .. And still, GOD was not in any of it (Verse 11-12)

HOW many times, have “WE” been in that same situation .. Were in Church, the Wind of the Spirit Blows, The floors vibrate and rattle, The rock heard hearts break, and the FIRE of the Holy Spirit comes, Yet we hear nothing, Elijah found himself in the same spot.

Yet it was in the Silence, After the FIRE, that he hear the Small, Still Quiet Voice of GOD, (verse 12)

In the Small still voice of GOD, during the silence, that GOD gave Elijah the direction, that he needed, For the next part of his Journey, and walk with the LORD.

Times like these, can bring the GREATEST Direction .. As the Quiet still Voice of GOD, speaks CLEARLY, to our Hearts.
So the next time your feeling down, don’t beat yourself up ..  Remember Elijah, One of the Greatest Prophets of the Old Testament, and relate with him, Your Not Alone, he, was down too.

With Much Hope and Love,
Pastor Will