Article By: Pastor
Will Matherly ___________________________________________ Have you ever just
felt like giving up. Like there was no point because you are not moving forward anyway ? Your not alone, at times, I do too. Many
of us may look at our surroundings and think, “what’s the point“, We look around and find no action, We
hear lots of words saying, We need to do this or that, and when we agree and try to get involvement to move the idea forward,
Were left alone in the wilderness listing to the silence of the wind as it blows by. This
feeling can be one of the most frustrating feelings in the world to deal with. When were on fire inside, and we just want
to get out there and do something to evangelize out world, But we cant get any cooperation from the Church Body and the Leadership,
it tends to start Quenching the Flames of that Holy Spirit Fire in many. That’s Quenching the Holy Spirit, Plain and
simple. The reason nothing is getting done, is because
when someone wants to do something , The doors of Organized Religion and the Church at large are Locked with Big Locks. If
someone wants to sing, testify, speak to the congregation, And the Most unpardonable want of all, to Preach one service, They
are Quickly told NO !!! This reminds me of the Organized
Religious State that Jesus himself spoke against in Matthew Chapter 23 Jesus
said: Matthew 23:27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed
appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness. 23:34
Wherefore, behold, I send unto you prophets, and wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some
of them shall ye scourge in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city: 23:37
O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have
gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! 23:38
Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. Could
this be the reason the Churches are Empty in many cases ?? Could this be why the membership is decreasing and not increasing
?? Is it possible that we may have gotten into a Organized state
of mind, and have forgotten that we do not lead the Church, But Christ Leads the Church. Could
it be that we think others don’t have anything to add, because we have our Pastor and Teachers, Deacons, Elders, Members,
Nice comfortable Building and we are in need of Nothing ?? Is
it possible, when God sends someone with a Burning message or desire within them, That we think, “Just who does this
person think they are”. 2000 Years ago, the Pharisees,
Scribes and the Sadducees had the same mindset. They didn’t know who Jesus was, To them Jesus was just another man.
Just another man from Nazareth. Oh its easy for us to look back and say, “But he was Jesus” Sure it is, we have
the Hindsight, They didn’t. How many times has
the Holy Spirit sent Messengers, who have been turned away, because they didn’t look right, smell right, sound right,
walk right ETC. Messengers who had a Burning message inside their hearts, a message burning so hot, they just Had to get it
out of them. Someone who wanted to drive a church van,
start a street ministry, visit and pray for the sick of the church, or get involved in some other way, Only to be turned away,
and their ideas rejected. I fear more than a few. I
too have been Rejected more times than my wife and I both have fingers and toes to count. And it has made me want to just
throw my hands up and walk away and Quit. Not quit on God, But Quit on the church world at large. No
I’m not special, neither are you. I never wanted or ask for anything but to Preach, Witness, Pray for the Sick, and
tell others about the Life Saving Grace of Jesus Christ. But it seems like the Hotter the Fire Burns within, The more were
told to cool it down. For goodness sake, Help others with their personal Ministries, Encourage others to Sing, Teach or what
ever it is that Christ has called them to do. What
if someone had discouraged and stopped Elijah, The Apostle Paul or Billy Graham from their Ministry and Calling ... We would
have lost two GREAT MEN of the Bible and the Missionary that has done more to advance Gods work here on earth than anyone
else today, Now that’s a scary thought. In Closing,
I leave you with a Question, Has anything Honestly changed in the 2000 years since Christ was here, Or is it still Just “
Business as Usual”. God Bless You All, Pastor Will |