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Article By: Pastor Will Matherly

You may have heard me describe my connection with God like the positive and negative poles of a battery. In my life, God feels like a Current, a living heart beat, a Pulse with a live, living and moving power. Just like the Current Flowing from a Battery, it’s a real Honest to Goodness unseen Power. And just like the power in a battery, You cant see it, But if you make the connection between the two poles, There is a reaction and a Power that Flows From the Battery into your body, You sure do feel it, Its Simply Impossible to miss. We have all touched our Tongue to a weak 9 volt Battery at some point and felt the current.

Coming into the Presence of God is Beyond words. God is all knowing, Its like having a mind reader reading your mind but giving you the ability to read their mind, All at the same time, it’s a transfer of Information, He sees your thoughts and we see his. When we come into the presence of God, There is a peace beyond feeling, Love beyond words. Its being a part of everything around you and everything being a part of you.

God is ABSOLOUTE LOVE, I have Never, In my entire life, Ever felt the magnetic drawing, and Alive feeling that surrounded me the first time God touched me in that special way that only God can touch us. The Current feeling took me over, I couldn’t move. I was Filled with Love, Joy, Hope, Peace, Comfort, Mercy and Complete Satisfaction with Everything!! God is simply indescribable. A Current is the closest thing on earth I could possibly compare the feeling to, but even that is a sad description, God is so much more than mortal words can describe.

His light is Alive, It reminds me of looking through a fogged up window at a street light, but the light moves in an outward direction away from the center of the light. Gods light flows from the very Essence of God himself. Everything alive and living is a part of God, Gods light shines through and out of everything. The most Brilliant light, Intensely Bright. Pure White to Infinity. To Dark shades of Crimson Blues at the edges. I couldn’t see anything and I mean Anything beyond the Light of God, God is every where, and in everything, Including you.

God is exactly what Jesus says he is, In John 4:14 “a spring of water welling up to eternal life." God is a flowing moving well overflowing Creating a river as he flows Rev: 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb., Gods river Spills into a vast sea, Covering everything.

Gods river has a current! It flows. Do you have a problem, Get connected to God, Get in his Flow and the problems will leave. satin cant come near us, His evil thoughts leave our minds, His demons leave our bodies. We want for nothing when God is near, Stephen Curtis Chapman refers to it as “Heaven in the Real World” … When were next to, and in the presence of God, It is Heaven in the Real World.

God is Just exactly what the bible says he is. Every detail is in there. I now understand why God protected Moses with his hand while he passed by, Because just like God said, Yes friend It Would have KILLED Moses Instantly. Exodus 33:19-22

19 “And the Lord said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion.

20 But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."

21 Then the LORD said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock.

22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by“. Friend you haven’t experienced Anything until you Experience God and that flowing Current that comes Only from God, it’s the Essence of Life its self.

God is Magnetic, drawing and pulling us towards him John 6:44 "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws him, and I will raise him up at the last day. When we come into Gods presence, Were overtaken, Totally Magnetically drawn to and then absorbed into God, Becoming a part of God himself, More and More as he draws us closer and closer. All the while Communicating, Cleansing and purifying us.

My words are such a pitiful effort at describing God, I wish I could find the words to explain how I feel when God comes near. He makes me laugh, makes me cry, befriend everything, love everything, care for everything, I tell you friend God is Ohhhh Sooo SWEET !

God Saves our lives, Then gives us something to live for, Man at one time in my life, I thought that was Impossible, I didn’t feel like I had anything to live for. But thank God he touched me. God is Pure Goodness, Everything Pure, Everything Clean, and Loving. Knowing all, Seeing all, Understanding all. Loving everything and everyone, The Love of God Creates, No doubt in my mind, Friend God Created us out of Pure Sweet Love. God has so much love pouring from him, it simply Creates life as it flows. God has More love than all the souls that have ever been or ever will be, could ever contain. Good is So Big, There isn’t enough room for God, God is forever moving in an outward direction, Away from his throne, Always Growing, and Creating Life. Yes He is the Great Creator !!

I now fully understand why Ezekiel had such a hard time describing God as he came into his Presence. Starting in Ezekiel chapter 1, Read through chapter 2. Take notice of where Ezekiel was when his experience happened, Ezekiel 1:1 Now it came to pass in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the “river” of Chebar, that the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.

Ezekil was next to a river, a Current, a live moving body, There is significance in that statement. Yes Its impossible to describe God, Because when you think you have seen Him, He makes something Brand New. When the Connection is made, the Current starts flowing, Everything changes around us. The world, people, sky, all seem brighter. Its Gods ever present light. He is keeper of all things, Lover of life, Prince of peace, Lord of Lords and Hope of Hopes.

Even Science Proves God and Gods Flow. In Revelation 22:1 John saw Gods River, 22:1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. This is the River of all Rivers, The flow of all flows, It has a Constant Current. Science has Proven that the Universe is Growing. So if Gods River, The River of Life its self is Flowing, Common Sence tells us it has to flow somewhere. Hence Science has proven God through the Ever Expanding Universe. God is Alive, Living and Constantly Expanding.

Science has Also Proven, The Human Body works by an electrical flow. Our brain fires and sends a small Electrical Current to what ever part of the Body we choose to move. My Fingers as I type this Article, Your hands as you hold the paper, Your eyes as they move and read. So again, without even knowing it, Science has once again proven Gods existence, Through that Current, Gods Living Current, The Current inside every living Creature in Heaven and On Earth.

So the next time you look out into Space, Just ponder this thought, "Out There Some Where, Is Gods Throne, And the River John saw, Flowing into everything and everyone, Including You" !

May God Bless and keep you in his Perfect Wisdom and Grace Always,

Pastor Will

Covenant Ministries, Johnson City TN.