More than Miracles
Power and Purpose ____________________________________________ Article By: Pastor Will Matherly God NEVER does anything without a reason. In my own personal
life, I saw the Miracles. I thought “Look What God has done for ME” !!! How wrong I was !! What I had failed to see was My Miracles were more than just
a Miracle. There was a divine purpose for the Miracles, and the Power was Not in the Miracles, But was in the purpose for
the Miracles. When I started looking at the Miracles God placed in my life
from that view point, It all became clear. It never was about me, or my Miracles, It was about God manifesting his Power into
this world, for all to see, He simply chose me to Manifest his Power through. The propose came into view through that insight. My first Miracle was God Literally Saving my Life from Certain
death. Satan tried to Kill me that cold lonely December day in 1986, He didn’t have the authority to carry his plan
through, But try he did. ONLY in my weakest moment, my last moment of life its self, That God would perform that Miracle,
But, I had to do my part, and call on him to deliver me and deliver me he did. I didn’t see the significance of that moment for many
years. But that didn’t diminish the significance speaks for its self. God took the tragedy of the moment, Turned it
around and Manifested his Power and Grace into my life, In other words, It was a Ephesians 2:8 moment, I had Literally been
saved by Grace, through Faith, I called on God to spare me, and then I received the Gift. The next Miracle was Little David passing away. God used that
moment to show he does have Resurrection Power, The same Resurrection Power that Raised Jesus from the dead too. It would
be many years again before I came to understand why God placed that Miracle in my life. I needed to have Rock Solid Unshakable
Faith to accomplish the Purpose in my life. God was preparing me for the Ministry, and not just a Ministry, But a Yoke Destroying,
Burden Removing, Deaf Ear Opening, Blind Man Healing, Dead Raising, Holy Spirit Following Ministry, based on Hebrews 11:1,
Faith and then Mark 15:16-20 Healing and Deliverance. I could not step into the Power of Gods Ministry, Until I
had seen the Purpose. From age 5 I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that there
WAS a GOD, and that he was just as real as I was, How did I know that, Simple, Because he Touched me in a little church one
night while I was playing under the pews during the services. My Mother had given me paper and something to draw with to keep
me occupied so she could hear Gods word Preached, and worship God herself. She wanted to give God her undivided, Uninterrupted
Attention. Thank God for the Godly Mother he gave me !!! It was that faith I received that night, that would one day
give me the power to overcome satan and believe in God and call on God in my desperation, so he could save my life and Manifest
his Miracle through me. I can hear some of you thinking, I wish I had a Miracle like
that so I could have that kind of Faith too” Well First of all, I am no more special in Gods eyes than you are. That’s
right, I am just another one of the family of God. And secondly, You can have a Miracle in your life. It may not be as dramatic
as my Miracle, But on the other hand, It could be even more dramatic !!! After all, He is God and trust me, He does know what
he is doing. I believe one of the most powerful tools satan uses against
Gods children is Doubt. He knows if he can convince us to doubt Gods word and Miracles, He has stripped us of our Unshakable
Faith we MUST have to speak in Authority, The Authority it takes to overcome him and his demons. So if he strips us of our
Faith, So we don’t have that Honest to Goodness, 111 percent, Complete, Whole hearted Faith and Belief, If we allow
him to diminish our faith, we Can Not Receive what we Ask God for and be able to overcome satan Hebrews 11:6 Its impossible
to please God without Faith., But by faith, and then applying our authority as a believer, we can bind satin and his host
in accordance with Matthew 18:18 through Belief as Jesus teaches us in Mark 11:23, We can be an over comer !!! There is War Winning, Demon Binding, Mountain Removing, Chain
Breaking Power in your personal Testimony. When we think back and remember what God has done in our lives, It stirs up the
Holy Spirit. We begin to touch that Faith, by remembering Prayers God Miraculously Answered. We remember Personal Deliverance
God gave us. We remember that unsaved Loved one God drew into his presence after we Prayed the Prayer of faith into their
lives. John describes a Great war in Heaven in Revelation 12. He
gives tells us what he saw, But the Purpose of Johns Revelation in that moment wasn’t so much the vision, But the Purpose
of the vision. God wanted us to see a POWERFUL KEY Verse in Johns vision, Its Revelation 12:11, He wanted us to have the knowledge
and Power of that Vision. He knew we would need it to overcome and win our own personal war we are fighting inside our own
hearts. These two War Winning Yoke Destroying, Demon Binding, Demon Casting Strategic Strategies in 12:11 are The Blood of
the Lamb ( Jesus ) and the Word of their Testimonies. Our Personal Testimonies have more Power in them than anything can stand
against. How can you overcome satan, and win the war inside of your
own heart, The war of unbelief, Unless you have the tools to win the battle. Wait Wait, I hear you I hear you, You don’t
think you have a Testimony do you. Well the Truth is, Oh Yes You Do TOO !!! Here I will Prove it to you. Are you saved ??? Did God call you in your heart
of hearts to repentance ??? Did you feel his presence at that moment in time ??? Can anyone tell you that You didn’t
???? if your answers wereYes to the first 3 questions and No to the last question, Then you DO have a Testimony and Miracle
!!!! You know beyond the shadow of a doubt there IS a God, because you had that UNDENIABLE life changing experience with God.
So Yes, You do have a testimony, and its all yours, and yours alone !!! And that’s a Miracle in its self. So There you
go. I’m smiling with you here, Isn’t it AWESOME !!! WOOOOO HOOOO !!! PRAISE GOD !!! Now lets go one step further with this. Go get a piece of
paper and something to write with. Ok now start writing down every Prayer God has answered for you. Every person you have
prayed salvation over, who you saw come to God, Every time you have had a Moment with God, The infilling and Baptism of the
Holy Spirit, Bills that were Miraculously Provided for, ETC. Everyone of these moments are your Personal Testimonies. How
many did you think of ?? SEE, I bet you had more than you even imagined. So, now that We have established these facts, Where do we
go from here ?? Well for me, It was Prayer. I had to learn to Pray before I could be an effective warrior in my own Spiritual
War I was fighting. It was my time of Testing, To make sure I was Fully Equipped and up to the task God wanted me to accomplish
for him. It was that James 5:16 Prayer experience I needed to learn, And let me tell you, It wasn’t easy. I thought
I knew it all and had it all. Boy oh Boy, was I ever WRONG !!!! I had had a REMARKABE EXPERANCE with the Holy Spirit. Man
let me tell you, I was surrounded, Filled completely inside, Totally Overwhelmed and simply unable to even Move. And to top
it all off, I was in our car singing along to Let Us Pray by “Stephen Curtis Chapman” and right out of the clear
blue, He Hit me and Hit me GOOD !!! I was so overjoyed, I felt so special, I thought I was Gods
own Man !! I thought I was Invincible. And Honestly, I guess in that moment I was, But only through the Power of Holy Spirit,
due to the Faith he established in me. BUT, I had to learn a HARD lesson over the next few years.
I had to learn that I was no more special than other Jesus Called, Blood Bought, satisfied, sanctified Child of the King of
Kings Himself. My pride had gotten in the way of the gift God had sent me. How Sad !! 10 years later, after I had went through a Host of valleys
in my life. I finally Gave Completely up and was DETERMINED to end my life, I just COULD NOT deal with this anymore. I told
my wife what my plan was. I explained hw it wasn’t fair for me to have to live in my Miserable State. At first she encouraged
me to persevere, But after a few days, I even convinced her it wasn’t fair, and I had a Right to end it all. She had her cloths on the end of the sofa, Was getting ready
to go to her Mothers, When a friend and her daughter came over to deliver Avon and Avon Books. Well that’s not all she
delivered that day, Thank God for my friend and Sister. We sat and talked, Not telling her what our plans were, But just telling
her how bad I felt. She said she would Pray for me, and tried to leave. She kept stepping towards the door, Saying I will
bring another friend over who is Close to God, She knows how to Pray, I just don’t know how or what to say.. But she
couldn’t make herself walk out the front door. After two or three attempts to get out he door, She finally said, I haven’t
ever done this before, But Lets Pray. Friend, Her obedience to God Saved my life that day. So don’t EVER, pass up the
chance to pray with someone, It may be the last chance you will ever have to pray and speak Gods words into their life. I instantly started feelings better, and over the next few
days, everything changed. My mind cleared up, My back pain became bearable, and started going away. It was another Miracle
in my life. I started teaching the bible again, and finally went to the foot of the cross with a broken heart, Feeling SO
GUILTY about failing God, and telling him I didn’t deserve his Grace. I talked with him explaining how he was To Gracious,
And him reminding me how much he loved me, I was crying WHALE TEARS, Bellowing like a total babbling, blubbering, snot wiping
baby. I told God I had given him everything I had, and it was at that Moment I realized, I had failed to give him the only
thing I had that was of any value at all. And that was my complete, Total, absolute, No Strings Attached Life. That’s
all I had to offer Him that wouldn’t pass away, Why hadn’t I seen it in this light before. I had been saved, Filled
with Holy Spirit and Baptized by the fire of the Holy Spirit himself. But had missed that final key. It was then, that things went into Hyper Space Speed, And
things have only speed up since that day. God has taken me and put Undeniable Hard Evidence in my life, The floodgates of
Heaven its self have opened. God has opened doors I didn’t knock on, He has placed people in my life I didn’t
reach out to. I got an email from a Sister Minister, That she sent to her own self, Yes it was sent from Her, To Her Self
!!!! That email would open the door for me to go on World Wide TV, and Share my Testimony, and fulfill a Vision and Promise
God gave me 11 years ago.I have the email printed.
God told me this is a Hebrews 11:1 Anointing and Manifestation, Faith, Substance and Evidence. The world will no longer
Deny God, There is an Anointing being poured out to Gods people in 2009 that the World will not be able to Deny. I know I
am not the only one receiving this Manifestation, I am only the little toe on a foot. God is restoring his Kingdom, and he
is doing it Now !!! Malachi 3:10 God says Prove me now. That verse is not only
talking about food and provisions, But its talking about What I did when I gave my life back to him, and then gave him my
freewill back too. I didn’t want the freewill God gave me anymore. I had made enough of a mess with my life over the
last 40 years, I knew I wasn’t capable of handling it from that point forward. I wanted him to take over and lead the
way, And Glory to God, He has. God showed me that My Miracles, were More than Miracles, He
said they had a Purpose, and went on explaining why nothing I had ever done in the Ministry had ever worked. It was because
I hadn’t looked beyond the Miracles and into the Purpose of the Miracles them selves. That the Power was in the Purpose,
and the reason I had never had his 111 % Percent Power in the Ministry, was because I had I neglected to look beyond ME and
how Special I THOUGHT I was. That he didn’t put His Miracles in my life for me, But he had put them in my life for HIM
!!! That was the pivotal moment when It all became Crystal Clear, And this article was Born. I hope you find your Purpose from this article, No matter
how Big, Small, Dramatic, or Undramatic your Miracles seem, Make no Mistake friend, They are ALL Miracles from God himself
and he didn’t put them in your life without a purpose. I urge each of you to ask him for the eyes to see beyond your
Miracle, and into his Divine Purpose. He will no doubt hear your prayer, and then show you too, that Your Miracle is More
than a Miracle, when you can see beyond the Miracle, You will find the Purpose, Is in there. Then you will receive the Power
that God placed inside the Miracle its self, For his own 111% Divine Reason. Miracles are More than Miracles and there IS Power in the
Purpose. With Overflowing Love from Me to You, Your Friend Always, Pastor Will ©2009 Covenant Ministries Johnson City TN |