prayer or PRAYER !!! Which one are we Praying, a prayer or A
PRAYER !! The Bible mentions prayer from start to finish, From beginning to
end. Only through Prayer, Can we have a Victorious life. Without Prayer, were utterly alone and leaning to our own understanding
for answers. The Bible says The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much. (See James 5:16)
RIGHTEOUS PRAYER is our direct line Straight to heaven and Straight to Gods throne. I would like to look at the following
3 Words From James 5:16 and Look close at their Definitions. Definitions by, Fervent means …. Fired with intense feeling: ardent Fervent includes the Showing or having enthusiasm: enthusiastic,
warm, zealous, Informal, "slang" gung ho or nuts about. Righteous means ….. Having or marked by uprightness in principle and action: good,
honest, honorable, incorruptible. true, upright, upstanding. "slang" straight shooting or on the up and up. If we are Honestly Saved, one of Jesus sheep and are called by his
name, Drawn and filled by his Holy Spirit and have a Honest to Goodness one on one relationship with him, And we refuse
to follow anything and anyone but Jesus, We are Promised a successful Prayer Life, Its one of the many promises of God !!
And he is Just and Will Honor His Promises, Avail/Availeth means The quality of being suitable or adaptable to an end: account, advantage, benefit, profit, usefulness, Unity. Ask yourself these two questions, Am I beneficial to God ? And if
so, How am I beneficial to God ? I don’t know about you, But I want to be Suitable to God, I want to be adaptable so
God can use me in Diverse ways. I want Gods Favor in my Personal life and in my Prayer life. I want to Examine
myself and ask God to give me the eyes to see, anything that separates me from his Full 101 percent Glory. I just cant settle
for anything less than the FULL GLORY of God. And I intend to have the Richness, the Fullness, and the Overflowing, Sin Covering,
Burden Removing, Yoak Destroying, Life Changing, Miracle Working, Blind Eye Opening, Deaf Ear Fixing Glory of God, Even if
it kills me trying to get it, I have just ABSOLUTLY GOT TO HAVE IT !!! But then isn’t that what God ask us for, Our
All !!! So with these Definitions in mind, I want to look at the two ways
we Pray, there is prayer and then there is PRAYER !!!. Prayer, is just that, prayer, it dose not stand out, We just say it
sometimes because it just seems to be the right thing to do (traditional/conventional). Its a small text (prayer). But a (PRAYER!!!)
on the other hand is BOLD. Look back at the definition of fervent here, Can you see how it relates to (PRAYER!!!) ? See the
(connection). When we come into the Presence of God, with the above qualities, and
a fervent prayer, mixed with Faith, Belief and Righteousness, We can see lives, finances, healing,
and most of all, Loved ones delivered through this type of prayer. it’s a earnest Honest to Goodness I mean it from
the depths of my Heart kind of PRAYER !!! that moves Mountains. Lets say for instance you have been praying, but you haven’t
seen your prayers answered. There may be a very simple reason why. I found myself guilty of this, So I will share this I believe
it will work for you too.. (1st Peter 3:12 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears
are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil.) NO, I am not calling you evil. Not even close. But
the wrong Type of prayer, prayed in the wrong Spirit, and with the wrong heart or complete lack of heart all together, is
a vain prayer, and God will not hear that type of prayer. Hebrews 11:6, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” It is possible that we don’t do things in Gods Order. God has
a Flow, a Current, and a Order of things so to speak. No, God doesn’t have (tradition), but he does have Order.
So in order to receive his gifts, and yes, it’s a gift from God when your Prayers are answered, Wouldn’t
You Agree ? We must use Gods treasure map (the Bible), it has more treasure available, than the universe its
self could ever possibly contain. What’s the Bible say about Jesus, it says, If everything were written, the world is
not big enough to hold all the books it would take to write it all down in. See John 21:25, Now that’s a Biography !! When our Prayers are answered, It builds our Faith, so we don’t
have to question our Faith, We KNOW our Faith, We have Lived our Faith and its beyond reproach, Its a
Hebrews 11:1 manifested in our personal lives. How can you have something that God hasn’t given you to start with, Ephesians
2:8 says Faith its self, is a gift from God. What types of Faith do you have ? Faith for Healing ? Faith for Deliverance ?
Faith for Salvation ? ETC. By applying that principal, How can you honestly Believe in Healing
until you get the Faith from God to be healed, and then experience a Healing in your life or become a personal part of
a healing experience in someone else’s life. Faith is so far beyond simple belief It's not even on the same planet,
or in the same universe. True Faith is Proof, Its Evidence !!! God never intended us to follow him Blindly. His written word
even says for us to Prove Him Now, Just read Malachi 3:10, Don’t take my word for it, Go read it for your self, Its
in there !! And without Faith, Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” See my
point ? So if we have Proof and Evidence, That takes us right back to prayer
or PRAYER !!!, Do we have that honest to goodness Faith, Not just Belief, But Pure Undefiled, unshakable, Unmovable Faith. I
know what I know because I have been a part of, And have experienced it in my own life kind of FAITH !!! Now
that’s the kind of PRAYER, the bible is talking about in James 5:16 … Not Blind Faith and blind prayer, But Proven
FAITH, Proven PRAYER, coming from a Righteous follower of Jesus, because they know that they know, And because they have the
Evidence of things unseen in their lives, Someone who has had a Hebrews 11:1 kind of Experience. Someone who KNOWS Beyond
the Shadow of Doubt, That they are Saved, Because Jesus Himself accepted them and Gave them New Life that can OLNY come from
Him! The New Life that Lives inside them and is a Overflowing Well Within. If we don’t have this kind of faith, Here is a simple way to
get it, PRAY for it !! Ask God for it, Its Simple, Ask for the Gift of Faith, like this. ( Father God, please give me
Faith so I don’t have to “Just Believe“, But give me Faith, strong True Faith, an unmovable Faith. Lord,
Give me that Malachi 3:10 Proof so I can honestly believe in you and your ways. Faith so I can PRAY like you want me to PRAY.
Lord Jesus I desire to have a extraordinary relationship with you, So I can PRAY extraordinary PRAYERS for you. I desire to
be your Hands, Your Feet, Your Mouth and Your Tongue I desire to have you speak through and Into my life. I desire to speak
your words into this world of darkness, and speak it with such authority, the host of hell will tremble when I speak your
words. Lord Write Hebrews 11:1 into my heart of hearts, and I will give you The Honor, The Praise and The Glory for it Lord.
I will shout Your Name From a thousand hills so all who come into my life will know there IS a God, My God, You Lord !! You
Jesus the one and ONLY true God, The beginning and the End. Glorify Yourself through me Lord, I offer myself as a Willing
Vessel, and a Living Sacrifice to you, Lord please accept my Humble Offering, as Unworthy of your Grace as it is, Lord its
all I have to offer, Everything I have and Everything I am I now Give to you. Thank you in advance for accepting me and allowing
me to have this Special Gift of Faith. In Jesus Name I Pray, Amen. Friend, “If you prayed that PRAYER and meant it with All of
your heart“, Have you ever got a SPECIAL Gift on the way, I believe God is Going to give you Proof, so you don’t
have to wonder or blindly follow, But Unquestionable Proof. Just Start Giving God the Praise The Glory and The Honor right
now, and know he is Your God and the Giver of all Good Gifts and all Things Good. Glory To God Almighty, Now that’s
something to be Excited About, Wouldn’t you Agree !!!! Thank You Jesus !!! With Much Love, Pastor Will and the Covenant Family Email: |